
Showing posts from September, 2019

The “Missing Athens Piece” of Pina Bausch in Catanzaro: “Since She”

Photo: Julian Mommert   Organized in Catanzaro, the capital of Calabria for 19 years, the Armonie d'Arte Festival has expanded its range for several years thanks to its dedicated and passionate creator and artistic director Chiara Giordano. So in the last years the festival began to include not only music but also theater and dance performances. The most important performance of this year's program was “Since She”(Seit sie) performed by Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch on 13-15 September 2019. The festival not only invited Bausch's company, but also prepared a comprehensive one-week program to commemorate Bausch on the tenth anniversary of her death.   Bausch had close relations with Italy when she was alive. She created “Viktor” inspired by Rome in 1986, the first of the series “Cities and People” in which Istanbul-inspired piece “Nefes” (2003) was also a part. Bausch created also another piece for Rome in 2000: “O Dido”. In addition to regular tours with her com...